NvestCapital is our asset management business. It is focused on deploying the companies capital through two primary vehicles, NvestVentures and NvestAssetManagement. NvestVentures functions as an early stage venture fund that invests into blockchain enabled technologies. NvestAssetManagement is a digital hedge fund which curves yield our the token markets through a series of proprietary financial instruments.
NvestLabs is a Research & Development company which focuses on the convergence of open blockchains and distributed artificial intelligence. It functions as proprietary and open source for blockchain literature. Its vast database of research equips the Nvest portfolio companies with the latest technical expertise. Experts from all over the world contribute to NvestLabs.com while dozens of engineers work at the state of the art NvestCampus' in Bangalore and Toronto.
NvestStudios is multi-media holdings company that builds and acquires digital media properties for blockchain enabled startups. In today's tech climate, companies grossly underestimate the value of branding. NvestStudio utilizes big data collection mechanisms and its state of the art content production capabilities to help the Nvest portfolio companies tell their story to the masses.
Graviti Inc. is a multinational diversified professional services company. It provides a range of services for both Nvest portfolio companies as well as external clients through its two major subsidiaries, Gravitichain and Acid Marketing. Gravitichain is one of the worlds leading blockchain development firms while Acid Marketing is a sought after branding and design agency for enterprises. It is through the acquisition Graviti that Nvest was able to externalize it's core competencies.
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